Student Engagement Ambassadors

Who We Are

The Student Engagement Ambassadors (SEA) is the ambassador organization for Student Activities & Involvement and Student Engagement. With the goal of helping students find their place on UF’s campus, the SEA team provides a variety of opportunities and services that support students in the journey to get connected. Student leaders of the SEA team meet with individuals, present to groups and classes, and help student organizations promote their membership opportunities.

Individual Involvement Consultations (IIC)

Find your involvement home on campus,
by helping others find theirs.


Connect with students where they are,
and show them where they can go.

Student Organization Fair

Plan and manage the largest Registered Student Organization Fair on campus.

Involvement Awards

Host the event that honors the positive
impact of student organizations.

Want to be an ambassador?

Formal recruitment for the SEA Team is held each Spring semester.
For more information on how you can get involved or how to join our team reach out to us.